100KM in a Working Week 👍

Successfully managed 100km in 5 days,: 4 x 20km (2 x 10km), 1 x 20km
Target now is to get to 1150km per week by end March. To try and ensure no overdoing it (keep average heartrate around 140bpm) the weeks will go like this:
- w/c 1st - 75km (3 x 20km (Mon, Tue, Wed), 1 x 15km (Thu)) - rest Fri, w/e
- w/c 8th - 120km (3 x 20km (Mon, Wed, Fri), 2 x 30km (Tue, Thu)) - rest w/e
- w/c 15th - 75km (2 x 10km (Mon, Tue, Wed), 1 x 15km (Thu)) - rest w/e
- w/c 22nd - 130km (3 x 30 km (Mon, Wed, Fri), 2 x 20km (Tue, Thu) - rest w/e
- w/c 29th - 150km (5 x 30km)
The distances over 20km will be split different ways:
- 30km - 10 in morning, 10 at lunchtime, 10 in evening
- 30km - 10 at lunchtime, 20 in evening
- 30km - 15 in morning, 5 at lunchtime, 10 in evening
In April I plan to rotate between 75km an 120km per week
In May, June I plan to rotate between 100km and 130km per week
In July I plan to get to Scotland to work in the mountains