Injured! 😢
It began with a simple thing - packing the car to drive to UK to get ahead of the game
IGNITE! SharePoint Migration Tool !BURN
Four words sum up my experiences with the recently announced SharePoint Migration Tool.
Another bomb from Microsoft..
Downloading and installing
Ghost + Plesk = Rubbish
Recently I was getting fed up using ISPCONFIG3 for managing my sites. So I opted to go for Plesk. Lots
Conference Time Again!
Another exciting event!
I have been (again) fortunate to be invited to speak at a leading SharePoint conference - this
Leaving..On a Jet Plane..
While looking forward to speaking at the Digital Workplace Conference in Sydney Australia, I am not particularly looking forward to
Office 365 Recycle Bin - A Confusing (and disturbing) Story
When the recycle bin goes bad....
Digital WorkPlace Conference - Sydney 2017
For me, 2017 is a year of new challenges and one of these is standing in front of more than