Leaving..On a Jet Plane..

While looking forward to speaking at the Digital Workplace Conference in Sydney Australia, I am not particularly looking forward to 26 hours in a plane.

Daniel and I have been working on the migration presentation, and going back through hundreds of emails and files from the past 2 years was like reliving it all again. Much nicer to now be on the other side!

While the first session will be about the migration to Office 365 - one of - if not the largest and most complex migration to Office 365 ever which was completed after 2 years 11 months preparation and then completed 60hrs sooner than the scheduled timeslot.

You can hear all about it at the conference. Tickets still available!!

When I look at the list of speakers, I do feel like I am a very poor second to some of the leading lights in the Digital Workplace age.

I'll be posting again soon.